Robotized systems 


Robotized systems ROBOT DEFENDER  -  are mobile tracked platforms with special equipment. Using the control panel, the operator directs the robot from a safe location to the scene of incidents and emergencies. 

Thanks to the crawler chassis, these robots can overcome difficult terrain, move burning debris, and work in extreme conditions.

Ground robotic systems were initially developed for the needs of civilian emergency services, but the military became interested in the machines. Such a robot is needed, for example, in areas with unexploded ordnance, in the vicinity of burning equipment with a risk of ammunition detonation, and in other potentially dangerous cases involving a risk to the life and health of military personnel. At the request of the military, the robotic platforms received a reinforced chassis. The control range and battery life have also been increased.

Models «Robot Defender»


Ground-based robotic firefighting complex «VODOGRAI» is designed for fire extinguishing and water cooling.

Ground-based robotic firefighting complex«VODOGRAI» approved for operation in the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine


Logistics (evacuation) ground robotic complex «KOZAK» is intended for: transportation of ammunition, equipment and cargo; evacuation of the wounded; and observation of the area.


Logistics (with kamikaze function) ground robotic complex «GAIDAMAK», is designed for: transportation of ammunition, equipment and cargo; remote mining TA remote detonation or self-destruction (kamikaze); conducting terrain surveillance.


Engineering ground robotic demining complex «BOGUN» is designed to neutralize anti-personnel mines and similar explosive devices by initiating a detonation in place.

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